We are super excited to be offering a few different workshops JUST FOR YOU !!
This year – 2025 – we have teamed up with some amazing trainers and specialists in their respective fields, to bring you a series of super action-packed workshops! We can’t wait to introduce you and your dog to the FUN world of games-based dog training. Helping you to build the foundations for a strong relationship, turn your current training struggles into strengths, enjoy the adventures that off-leash freedom brings, ensuring loose-leash is the way you walk and have loads of fun learning new tricks or even a new sport.
Current vet verified vaccination certificate/booklet is to be sighted prior to class attendance – no exceptions.
We may ask that you wear your facemask and Thank you for your understanding!
Racing Recalls!

Too scared to let your dog run free? Worried they will run after the first thing they see?
Have you ever screamed for your dog to “come back” only to have them ignore you and run off?
Does your dog find everything else in the environment more exciting than you?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Our 2 hour workshop is designed to provide you with the tools for a reliable recall – every time! Through our games based system your dog will learn it’s FUN to come back to you when called, they will not only come back but RACE back. The results will bring you off-leash freedom!
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon…
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Walking Wowza!

Does your dog pull on the lead?
Does it feel like your arm is being pulled out of its socket?
Does your distracted dog mean sore arms and an unpleasant walk?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
In this 2 hour workshop we will teach you and your dog lots of fantastic games to play to help you gain a dog that wants to be close to you, and chooses to walk with you!
Our games based approach will have your dog enjoying walking next to you. Making exercising your dog fun rather than a chore.
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon ….
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Puppy Power!

Is your puppy less than 8 months old?
Did you miss out on enrolling in a puppy class?
Are you keen to learn some fun new ways to train your puppy through GAMES?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Our 2 hour workshop is designed for young puppies that are less than 8 months of age. You will learn the skills to train your puppy through playing fun games! Sounds great right!! This will help to set you up for a successful relationship with your puppy … for life!
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon …
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Troublesome Teens

Do you have a teenager aged between 8 months and 2 years of age?
Have you grown frustrated with the challenges of a “naughty dog”?
Has you dog simply stopped listening to you?
Have you adopted an older dog that you’d like to do some training with?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
This 4 hour workshop is delivered over two 2 hour sessions a week apart. The program has been designed with your teenage dog in mind: – the one that doesn’t seem to listen anymore, that seems to have a mind of their own, has forgotten everything they learned in puppy class and seems to be more of a frustration than man’s best friend!
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon …
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $240 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Attention Please! Focus!

Dog not listening to you?
Too distracted by everything around them to focus on you?
Their ears work perfectly well at home but don’t when you’re out and about?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Our 2 hour workshop is designed to help you get the focus you want and need when you’re out with your dog. You’ll learn games to play with your dog AND while having fun, they learn just how great it is to keep their focus on you.
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon …
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
TrickStar! Novice/Intermediate

Are you seeking a new challenge for you and your dog – to work on together?
Would you like to earn a recognised TRICK TITLE?
Do you have a super smart dog that likes to learn new things?
Do you want to be the envy of your family and friends – with a repertoire of super cool tricks you can show off at any time?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
This super fun 4 hour workshop is packed full with loads of cool tricks! You’ll learn new tricks like “high 5”, “barrel racing” and “jump a bar”! Plus you’ll also be able to show off any tricks you already know … they may count towards your title?? Caz is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor and this means she can witness and approve your tricks for your title! WOW!! Your workshop fee includes one level official trick certification.
Date – 2025 dates coming soon ….
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $245 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Scentwork Introduction

Looking for new challenges with your dog?
Does your dog struggle with the environment of traditional dog sports?
Would you like to learn to read your dog’s natural style of indication?
Would you like to participate in a sport where your dog leads the way?
Then this is the workshop is for YOU!
This 3 hour workshop is designed to teach you how to imprint the scent on your dog – the scent that you will be required to find in a competition. We will teach you what to do in order to reinforce this with your dog once you leave the workshop and we will send you home with a sample of the scent to practice with. You’ll also learn how to read your dog’s natural preferred style of indication when they locate the scent. AND you will have the opportunity to “have a go” at a competition style search!
Date – 2025 dates coming soon ….
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $180 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
BABY Puppy Power!

Is your puppy less than 4 months old?
Has the recent lockdown prevented you from attending a puppy class?
Are you keen to get learn some foundations for your baby puppy through GAMES?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Our 2 hour workshop is designed for young puppies that are less than 4 months of age. You will learn the skills to train your puppy through playing fun games! Sounds great right!! This will help to set you up for a successful relationship with your puppy … for life!
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon ….
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Cool, Calm, Collected …

Does your dog find everything else in the environment more exciting than you?
Do you struggle to get your dog’s focus when you’re out and about?
Is your dog challenged with self-control, unable to calm themselves once they get excited by something?
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Our 2 hour workshop is designed to provide you with the tools for developing a cool, calm and collected dog! Through our games based system your dog will learn to manage their arousal levels wherever and whenever you need them to! The results will ensure you have a dog that is focused, calm, a joy to live with and welcome everywhere you want to go…
Dates – 2025 dates coming soon …
Venue – tba
Time – tba
Cost – $120 per person
If you want to register your interest please complete the enrolment form, if you have any questions please get in touch.